Tuesday September 20
The morning started off like any other morning monitoring at 6am which was uneventful the girls were well behaved so I thought it would be an okay day. Boy was I wrong.
Since it was Tuesday I had all my vitals check; Urine sample, Weight measure and Ultrasound cord pressure check. Everything was fine until the ultrasound. For the most part the girls were looking excellent hearts beating, cord pressure normal but when it came time to check the blood vessel pressure in the brain both girls had elevated amount. Baby A was in the middle of the what I am calling "Not Good" level and Baby B was beginning. Now this is when I got really concerned because as I have learned from being in the hospital there is this vagueness they like to give the patients. I know its so we are not super alarmed but at the same time I am sitting in the ultrasound chair and all I hear is that we are taking her to Labor and Delivery. Now my experience with Labor and Delivery can mean one of two things a) The girls are coming today! or b) We are monitoring you so much that Mother Baby nurses can't spare the time.
In this case it was B. And not only extended monitoring but 24hr monitoring!!!! Okay so 24hr monitoring but no one had still mentioned what the ultrasound meant. The big question was were the girls okay? Yes and no would be my answer after I asked my nurse that I had no idea what was going on.
As a side note my first nurse that evening Kristen was I swear the most amazing and caring person I have ever met. She was so calming and reassuring that everything was going to be okay, it really set the tone for the rest of my day. Oh did I mention that this all happened before 11am?
So back to the elevated brain blood pressure.....they were concerned that if let unchecked it could lead to hydrops which is a scary thing that I won't go into too much detail but entails fluids surrounding the organs.
Okay so lets recap: ultrasound sorta bad, immediately transfer to Labor Delivery room oh and no cell to tell anyone about what was going on. I finally got the nurse to fetch my cell from my room since they would not let me get it myself and was finally able to text Justin and my Mother to let them know what was going on.
My Mother, who is a saint by the way, immediately jumped into the car and drove down to come and stay with me! I know she is going to tell me to shut up about this but I hope that I am just as amazing a mother as she is! Justin was finally able to come after work and spend time with me, at this point we were trying to keep him from missing work so we can save it for when the girls are born and when they finally go home!
So my mother was able to stay the night which helped me sooooo much. Because minus 5 minute bathroom breaks I was confined to the bed for a total of 27 hours. The 10 or so hours were not that bad but at 3am and you are utterly exhausted it becomes a little much.
The next morning I had another ultrasound and thankfully the pressure had gone down! Which meant I was released!! Oh and my mom got to see the girls so double bonus!
The rest of Wednesday was spent sleeping so it was really uneventful.......Thank Goodness! But just like before I was led to believe that everything was going to go back to normal, Oh I was fooled.
But that's another blog post :)