So this weekend was my last one of "freedom". It is really the last weekend without being trapped in the hospital and without two little ones. So where would I go?
Why to Dubuque of course, we had a wedding to attend and music festival to go to! The wedding was for my friend and neighbor of 17 years. I can't believe we have been living in that house for so long. It seems like only yesterday we moved in, I even remember the exact moment that we met. How many times in your life do you actually remember the exact moment when you meet someone? I think back on this and really there isn't many times that I exactly remember meeting someone. Don't worry I remember about when I met people but that exact moment there are only two that stick in my mind. When I met Liz for the first time (It was right after Christmas it was abnormally warm out and we had gotten roller blades they got skis, they came over because we were outside playing and saw that we had a lot of kids in our family) and my now husband Justin (I was on a "date" with a friend of his at a BINGO event and it was the day before April fools day! We were Facebook friends immediately).
Then we had a Bluegrass festival to go to on Sunday. It was a gorgeous day and mostly I just sat and relaxed and enjoyed the calm. It was nice just to be with my family and do much of nothing. Mostly just being in each others presence.
This entire weekend was a great time to reflect on the many happy memories of my childhood and hope that I can do the same for our two little girls. And even though we may all be growing up everyday we are still in a way the same as we ever were.
Today I go into the hospital and even though I do not know what is going to happen I am still hopeful for the best. I am doing everything I can for these little ones, giving them the best possible chance for survival. Although I have not met them yet I know that I love them.
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