Thursday September 22
The morning started off as every other morning I had while in the hospital. Wake at 6am for my morning NST, everything seemed sort of normal at first. When we found both babies Baby B was displaying a heart rate of 176 bpm! Well it lasted a second and then she was back to normal. Both babies stayed at a normal trend until almost the end of the session, where again Baby B decided to cause trouble but this time she dipped her heart rate. It wasn't anything that need immediate attention and like usual she came out of it rather quickly, so I though nothing much of it.
Eventually I was unhook and I took my time getting ready to order my breakfast, I had just picked up the phone when there was a knock at the was my resident doctor.
At this point I knew something was up because he had a slightly panicked look on his face. Resident Doctor: Have you eaten anything? Me: Huh?!?! Resident Doctor: Well don't, we are talking about doing the C-section today. Me: Ooooookay. Doctor runs away leaving me sitting there alone in the dark room. Insert moment of shear terror followed by tears and then trying to gain composure to call Justin and then my mother.
The next hour was a blur I tried to calm myself, the nurse I had came in to check on me to make sure I was okay as I could be. Then the entire squad of high risk doctors came in to let me know what they had decided. It took everything not to burst into tears as they explained that they would be taking the girls today, and even though there were no immediate dangers my doctor Rijhsinghani had a gut feeling. Normally I don't trust people with such life or death decisions but having spent all this time in the hospital and really getting to know these doctors I really trust their guts. And the fact remained that Baby B was doing something weird and that most likely it was only continue to get worse. So why not take the girls while they are not under distress?
Okay so to recap they are taking the girls today and now I have to have enough composure to call Justin and my mom and explain everything. Somehow I managed that and then jumped into a shower because it would be my last one for a few days......when I got out Justin was there. He had assumed that it would happen today so he stop briefly at work and then headed to the hospital.
We spent then next hour and a half laying on the bed trying to relax and also finally decide our girl's middle names. I know we didn't need to have their complete names figured out but I wanted to at least finish that before they came into the world. So here we are Baby A- Olive Leigh Milligan and Baby B- Ada Katherine Milligan.
And just barely after that we were transferred to our Labor and Delivery room. Family members slowly made it and from then on it was a waiting game. We were scheduled for 3pm but the C-section before us had complications so by they time I entered the operating room it was 3:30pm. Now up until this point I was so unbelievably scared. But by grace of my guardians above I got my saintly nurse Kristen. By the way someone should pay her double because she was so calming through they entire thing and she talked me through everything they were doing to me in the operating room. But also the second I walked into the room I knew they was no other option so why worry, I was about to meet my girls!
It took awhile to get me prepped but soon enough Justin entered the room and he too had a calm about him, he was so reassuring. And then it began, and when they tell you that you will feel nothing but tugs and pulls and they were serious, it wasn't painful but it was weird.
By 4:04pm we had two beautiful crying screaming girls. Justin and I were both crying from happiness and you will never understand that you can love this little person that you don't even know so much that you would give anything for them and we had two. And on top of that the girls were doing amazing enough that they bundled them up and I even got to see them and put my cheek up to theirs!!
Olive Leigh 3lb 3oz 15 3/4 in
Ada Katherine 3lb 0.3oz 15 1/2 in
Born September 22, 2011 at 4:04pm